Full documentary about Daniel Tammet, an autistic savant who has been diagnosed with synesthesia, where his brain interprets numbers as shapes. This ability allows him to do complex mathematical computations in his head, like solving pi to the 22,500 decimal point. He's also adept at languages speaking more than nine, and able to learn a new one within one week. Though others have similar abilities, what sets Daniel apart is that unlike most autistic savants he does not seem to suffer from disabilities common among other autistic people.
Simply amazing.
The rain man showed in the video is still the most impressive of them all. Reads two pages every 10 seconds...each page being read by one eye? Never forgets anything? That's just too awesome.
This is really special. Watched the whole thing and was intrigued the whole time.
Makes you sit back and wonder what is humanities true potential. Something tells me these people may precursors to the next "step" in human evolution.
Great reading yourr blog post
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