Monday, December 31, 2007

Christian Evangelicalists:More dangerous to America than terrorism?

In all honesty, I'm not one for bashing religions, I believe all peoples should have the right to practice as they wish as long as it isn't a threat to mine or my family's safety but this time I must say that Christian Evangelicalism is a huge threat to all peoples of America and the world. They have zero tolerance for anyone who doesn't believe as they do and I do not believe they show the truth of christianity and they further inhibit good Christian/Muslim/Jewish relations. If the Islamic Society of North America and The Society of Reform Jews can make strides towards a peaceful society no matter how small then why can't Christian Extremists do the same? They scream about Islamic Extremism and it's threats on society but it's ok for them spout anti Islamic rhetoric? I am no muslim but many leaders in Evangelicalism have said they hate Islam. Isn't hatred a fundamental no no in Christianity? I believe that Islam in its truth is a peaceful tolerant religion there are just those who do not practice it the right way. My call is for all of my readers whether you be Christian,Muslim, or Jewish is to embrace each other as brothers and to show no more hatred.


Jackie said...

Very well said indeed!! Thanks for dropping in and adding me as a contact. I look forward to getting to know you better.

Anonymous said...

Have to say, I definitely agree with you! Right on!

Anonymous said...

I think focusing on how bad others are is the problem.....look within, the only place you can really change!

Anonymous said...

That is the biggest bunch of bull I have ever heard. As an evangelical myself I do not hate the Islams, but I do pray for them. I do believe in protecting our country and so far the Islamic extremist have been a major threat. I think you ought to do a lot more in depth research and not just one-sided.

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