Thursday, May 03, 2007

Woman Tricked Into Sex With Old Penis Cream Treatment Routine

This is just one of those stories that make you go, "You're kidding me."

In this case, either the old words of P.T. Barnum hold true, or this woman was being vindictive. Hopefully the latter is the case, for the sake of humanity.

The story began when a UK schoolteacher, from Harverfordwest, discovered white rashes on herself and feared it was typhoid. Somehow, she apparently brought this up in conversation with a airline pilot she met before, Fadi Sbano (38), who told her he knew a gynecologist and a treatment for her rash.

His prescribed remedy? Apply a special ointment to the end of his penis, and apply it to the woman.

With such sound medical advice, beyond no surprise the teacher didn't find it odd and decided to let Mr. Sbano apply said medical cream to her...for 9 months.

The woman now claims that she found out Mr. Sbano was faking the story, didn't have a gynecologist friend to apply the cream to her vaginal area with his penis and simply misled her to have sex on his own terms.

In the jury case, details of the "treatment sessions" came to light.

Sbano allegedly had detailed medical conversations with his doctor from day to day, being told how often to have intercourse with the teacher and whether to thrust "slowly or quickly" when administering the special ointment.

According to the special prosecutor in the case, Huw Rees:

"When the insertions took place, and depending on the instructions of his friend, he would thrust slowly or quickly for anything from one to ten minutes."

"It began to dawn on her that he had devised this treatment in order to have sex with her on his terms."

Now Sbaro is being held on count of possible rape by deception, of which he denies the allegations and says the teacher is making the story up.

Read more about this case here.

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