The incident reportedly started when an elderly woman observed a man attacking a young boy at an intersection. Being concerned, the woman tried to intervene in the conflict.
It was at this point things took an unfortunate downward spiral.
Perhaps enraged at the woman's interference, reports indicate the man began to beat the old woman with a wooden table leg.
With such savage behavior, one has to wonder if the old lady would have been beaten to death had a deputy not happened to be driving by right after the beating started.
A school resource officer, who also is a sheriff's deputy, was transporting two juvenile to a truancy center when he came upon the situation.
According to Sheriff Kevin Beary, "'He (the deputy) ordered the individual to stop but the subject refused to stop and then he attacked the deputy.'"
Without missing a beat, reports state the man went from attacking the old lady to pursuing and attacking the deputy. It is at this point the officer was forced to draw his gun and shoot the suspect, resulting in his death from injuries.
The elderly lady was beaten so badly that reports state doctors immediately had to attend to her for half an hour and she is still hospitalized. The deputy, who may very well have saved her life, is on leave while standard investigation takes place.
Click here for video footage of the unfortunate series of events.
i would of shot the C*nt as well
Yea fuck that old bitch
Good. Thats one less asshole in the world.
Violence against vulnerable individuals should never be tolerated.
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