After a while, Hilton became tired of the constant dieting and quick-handed advice from doctors.
"I quit going to doctors, every one I went to told me to lose weight and I had tried every diet I could think of."
It wasn't until Hilton finally went to visit Doctor Jennifer Cameron that she figured out what was going on within her body. She had a 93 pound benign ovarian cyst.
The thorough Doctor Cameron stated,"The first summer I met her, her legs were so tight, so huge her legs would just crack and weep." Doctor Cameron continued, "This (cyst) was just like a big balloon, a big beach ball."
From noticing the problem with Hilton's legs, Cameron thought that exploratory surgery would be a viable option. Fortunately for Hilton, the doctor's inquiry led to the shocking discovery of the 93 pound cyst, which is pictured at above.
Since the surgery, Hilton's physique and health have greatly improved. According to CBS News, she has now lost 137 pounds and reportedly weighs 359 pounds.
Ovarian cysts in and of themselves are not necessarily cancerous, and according to doctors, much smaller ovarian cysts are common and often go unnoticed and without any symptoms.
One important point Ms. Hilton's story brings is in regard to personal health and our bodies. When dealing with issues of your health, there is no such thing as asking too many questions or asking for doctors to look more into changes you have seen in your health.
Related to this article is an editorial on the importance of regular Breast and Testicular exams and how to do them yourself after consulting a doctor. It is an important thing to read and keep in mind.
You can never ask your doctor too many questions.
A video interview of Ms. Hilton is also available here.
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Ok.. that could not have been pleasant !! Yikes!!!!
Figures she had to be a Yank. Only you Americans are so fat that even good doctors miss huge growths in you.
Brush your teeth brit.
Blow me you fucking eurofag
"Figures she had to be a Yank. Only you Americans are so fat that even good doctors miss huge growths in you. " LMAO!!
HA HA HA. American burn, you might want to put lotion on that- it could sting in the morning
Wow, that woman is one skinny American! See, it's not impossible for you McDonald-grubbers to weigh in under a ton. Good on you guys.
hahaha im not trying to make another america burn here, but its funny how people will actually defend (?) the extreme obesity problem in the US. And by doing so, the person says: "blow me" (original. creative) "you" (uh-oh now we're getting personal. personal pronoun that is!) "fucking eurofag" (perfectly executed conclusion. astonishing.). Prolly getting more action whether he is a "eurofag" or not... at least he's not out defending a statistically proven issue, and at very least he doesn't have a potty mouth. ahh, the internet...
absolutely no justifying here, but you guys act like it's us americans that put all that shit into our food, and that put 50gram-fat burgers on the 1 dollar menu but sell salads for 4 and change. americans are being treated improperly by the FDA and the government, putting shit food in our schools while we're growing up, and continuously moving away from a society in which people make their own food. and even when they do make their own food it has all sorts of shit in it like high fructose corn syrup, MSG, and aspartame. you guys think we just stuff our mouths all the time with fattening food, when in fact there is an epidemic going on here and the government is in part to blame. OH YEAH AND BEFORE I FORGET--the UK is 2nd for fattest people in the world! so good for you, you're ONE notch better than us!
i live in Scotland(For americans :it is part of Great Britain) and the reason why UK has the second place for fattest people ....it is because of scotland the girl here are awfuly fat and for me (i am from Czech republic) it is something really really horrible if you saw the girls in czech republic :-) taht's something
SCREW YOU you no good euro-peons. and no thats not a typo. you fools aer so skinny and malnourished cos you have no teeth to eat with and your food sucks.
imagine if you pop that blob of..thing...all the goop and liquid starts gushing out lol...ewww..i think i just grossed myself out
u seriously think americans don't know where scottland is?!
If any of the comments made by europeans bothered you... check out this website, http://www.watchingyou.com/stupidamericans.html
Europeans are useless and they amount to nothing. They are just jealous of Americans because our country/freedoms/pride is far superior.
instead of being pointless and rude, why don't you put that energy in something worth while. We are the way we are, why fall into the media's trap of whats hot skin and bones to you should be ashamed of yourself chubby.. why seek a title of perfection for who's approval, that should come natural and from the heart, if not than your way off beat.
Americans are only good in obesity, killing people, and destroying nature.
lol, love that response "blow me", so creative.
But seriously, only in America could a tumor that big go unnoticed for so long.
And that whole argument about obesity, its not as though people in America are force fed. You are obese because you ate too much, plain and simple.
Someone mentioned obesity as being an epidemic, like if a fat person coughs on you, you will become fat too. LMAO!! keep this going its hilarious.
oh yeah..us Brits are really jealous of America, i can only dream of being so big that i cant see my feet and i would just love my family rubbing cream between my skin folds
Good for the woman, but one thing that bothers me are all of you crass Brits. We all know you're skinny due to your poor cooking ability. :D
Hey "Slim" from Britain:
Check out this excerpt (that's a selection from a larger article)from BBC News Magazine. And Americans haven't been called "Yanks" since the Civil War. You really should catch up on your reading, mate!
Last Updated: Thursday, 12 October 2006, 15:31 GMT 16:31 UK
Who are you calling fat?
Four of these men are obese - but didn't know it, until we stepped in
By Denise Winterman
BBC News Magazine
Britain is the fattest country in Europe and part of the problem is people don't realise they are overweight, says the government. So what does obesity look like?
How hard can it really be? The rolls of surplus flesh, the tight waistband, not being able to see your own feet - you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out you're carrying extra pounds.
But many people don't consider themselves overweight, according to fitness minister Caroline Flint, who says it's one reason why nearly a quarter of adults in the UK are obese.
Just like the English to try to obscure facts like that, they are truly the masters of spin. For the story it's really really scary that such a growth could go unnoticed so long in modern medicine. Did they not run any scans on her all of those years!??! I mean, if a person is complaining of symptoms at least you'd think you'd do extensive bloodwork or at least take an image scan of the inside of their body. Doctor's are too coy sometimes and don't think to look past their initial thoughts (you're fat!) and look deeper into an issue. This woman suffered because of it.
"Figures she had to be a Yank. Only you Americans are so fat that even good doctors miss huge growths in you."
Alright, stink-breath European. Let me tell you something. I recently came back from backpacking in Europe, and despite all of the beautiful sites and fun travel, I can say there are plenty of odd looking people about your lands.
I believe I saw many women who looked like they were suffering from scurvy. Their legs were all bent up. Others had a vulture appearance, with their hunched backs, beakish faces and stinky hygiene.
There were also plenty that I'd consider to be overweight, by American standards even. So it's two way street, and the bottom line is that you need to realize that every individual has their own decisions to make in life, and not everyone can be a rail thin model, have perfect posture, or has same standards for hygiene.
You know what? Get over it, because what matters is how nice a person is, not always their appearance. And I thought Americans were supposed to the superficial culture.
lol, this is so funny.
You Americans really don't get the point of this argument do you? As fat as you maybe that is not the point we are making.
We are saying that only in America can people be so stupid as to let a tumor grow to 93 pounds over 12 years without anyone noticing.
And it is a testament to your stupidity when you begin defending your selves with:
"Blow me you fucking eurofag"
"SCREW YOU you no good euro-peons"
"Alright, stink-breath European"
We were smart enough to whip British ass in the American Revolution. That's ok, you can have CANADA! hahahahahaha hohohoho!
Quote-"Americans are only good in obesity, killing people, and destroying nature"
Let's refute that:
1. Britain is the fattest country in all of Europe.
2. The bloody, murderous history of the monarchy.
and finally,
3. From the "GreenPeace" website
Existing British nuclear power stations will leave a legacy of half a million tons of nuclear waste that the government has no idea how to dispose of safely. This waste will remain a threat to our health and the environment for a million years. Allowing the nuclear industry to build ten more nuclear power stations would add threefold to the amount of highly radioactive nuclear waste and spent fuel we have to deal with.
that what u get for living in America, everyone there is a fat lard.
You anti-American dirt-bags need to admit that you all dream about getting on a raft and getting into America!
The truth is you only get to eat meat once a month in most third-world nations. The rest of you have to pay a king's ransom for grade A beef. Here in America, every farm has tons of it, they even get paid to lower production so the prices won't drop too much.
That was Paris Hilton's whore mother, and that 93 pound tumor was the sperm accumulated and festering from thousands of men she had sex with.
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