In an unprecedented show of honing the mojo of Lorena Bobbitt, a 34-year-old woman has been charged with malicious castration for allegedly trying to dice-up a man's pride at a Christmas party.
After a night of heavy drinking at a party, Rebecca Arnold Dawson and a 38-year-old man got into a bout of fisticuffs at the party hosted by the man's girlfriend. During the fight, Dawson is accused of pulling the classic "genital-clutch-move" on the man, which is typically frowned upon in a fair fight.
Now this wouldn't be much of a story, had it not been for the power of the woman's genital-clutch-move. According to Lillington Police Chief Frank Powers;
"I believe he needed more than 50 stitches to repair the damage, but he is back home at his point." The chief continued, "All we can tell you is that the injury was done with the hands. There were no weapons used."
50 stitches, one hand, one grab. No weapons. There is a lesson to be learned here, young readers. Something you should take to heart. Women fight 100x dirtier than men, and will not hold back. What they lack in strength they make up for in tactics and ruthlessness. Maximus would rue the day he had to fight a female gladiator.
The story ends in typical fashion. Dawson was released from jail on Wednesday, on $50,000 bond, and faced several other charges. In a defiant gesture, the tough lady also allegedly spit on an officer. Remember the lesson, women fight dirty.
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That's ridiculously brutal. He should have given her the dreaded two handed, double nipple twister.
punched her in the face and kicked her in the haead when she fell down.
and then poop on her chest
You guys are immoral and sick. A man has no business even fighting a woman. This guy got what he deserved, for the scum he is. You all need to learn some religious peace.
He deserved what he got? how u work that out u moron, they had an argument and she ripped his pride off, yeah sounds fair to me...!
Any thick cow doing this needs a punching to the floor followed by a swift scissor kick to the temple.
I doubt anymore men will ask her for a quick hand job!
"He deserved what he got? how u work that out u moron, they had an argument and she ripped his pride off, yeah sounds fair to me...!"
It's guys like you that don't have respect for us women. If he was a proper man and didn't try to fight her in the first place he wouldn't be sitting there with his sack ripped up. That's why he deserved it.
Yeah uhh he really deserved it...I don't think so.. That whole don't hit women think goes out the window as soon as they try to castrate you. Not to mention manly cows aren't really women and I have no qualms with scissor kicking them in the throat.
Who says the guy started it?
She sounds pretty crazy,and she was drunk..I've seen many women start fights on guys..
He might not even have hit her,shes the one in jail!
stop being so damn religious or feminist or whatever the hell you are..
female or male, that crap shouldnt matter in a fight, because if your in a fight you gotta look out for #1 and shouldnt expect anything to go your way, if some women started some crap with me and used force i wouldnt even care that she was a women, shes going down!
"stop being so damn religious or feminist or whatever the hell you are.. "
I'm both for your information. Furthermore you are the one who needs to stop it. You think it's ok to hit women? YOU honestly think that type of thing is right? It is not. It is immoral and it is sick. If the woman didn't defend herself the guy probably could have killed her.
"You guys are immoral and sick. A man has no business even fighting a woman. This guy got what he deserved, for the scum he is. You all need to learn some religious peace."
you need to step down from your religious supremacist throne and realize that religion wasnt the beginning of all ethics and morality... in fact, i tend to find that people who are religious are the most unethical and immoral people out there
"When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." Stephen Henry Roberts, Historian
"I'm both for your information. Furthermore you are the one who needs to stop it. You think it's ok to hit women? YOU honestly think that type of thing is right? It is not. It is immoral and it is sick. If the woman didn't defend herself the guy probably could have killed her."
1. Hitting women is immoral and sick in the minds of those who perceive it as such. By insinuating that, you show your obvious sexism and underestimation of the power of a woman. If you weren't so prejudiced, you'd look past gender and treat men and women equally. Most common "morals" have no legitimate backing behind them in the first place.
2. No one stated or even insinuated that the man hit her in the first place. Sounds to me like they were verbally arguing, and she want stark raving mad and ripped his winky.
3. If the woman was being attacked, she'd be fucking stupid to not defend herself.
4. You make it sound like this man was a brute of a fellow beating down on some frail little woman. Once again, an assumption on your part that all men who engage in conflict with the opposite sex use excessive force with intent to injure, another example of your ignorant judgement.
A true feminist wouldn't have said "men shouldn't fight with women". A feminist feels that women and men should have equal rights. Thus making it okay for men to hit women. THUS MAKING YOU A FUCKING DIPSHIT.
hey feminist bitch stfu id hit a woman if she was attacking me - hell even my mother once told me if you have to defend your self it doesnt matter if its a woman or not - you dont even really know what happened just laugh at the story and move on jesus christ
Same thing happened to me once, except it was a donkey who bit it off after we were finished.
First off I'm not a female dog. Mkay? Second I'm not on a religious high horse.
The bottom line is that while men and women are equal a guy may be stronger than a woman. Unless the woman in the story was a skilled fighter or had a weapon it'd be surprising if she posed any harm to the guy. To grab his genitals she was probably scared in my opinion and did whatever she could to defend herself. How would she even be close enough to grab his genitals had he not overstepped his boundary in the first place?
"2. No one stated or even insinuated that the man hit her in the first place. Sounds to me like they were verbally arguing, and she want stark raving mad and ripped his winky."
The first part is true. I jumped the gun and maybe it was all the woman's fault. From how I read the story they were in an altercation with each other though. If she thought he could have overpowered her I think she had every right to do what was needed as quickly as possible.
SO then tell me, if a stronger guy fought a weaker guy, the stronger guy is obviousily a sissy who shouldnt hurt the weaker man?
Maximus would rue the day he had to fight a female gladiator.
hehehe, helz yeah. if you ever watch women fight they are like heyena's figting over meat. they will mame, kick, scracth and pull hair until the loser is disfigured. and feminazi chill out the guy had to protect himself and apparently he got pwned newayz.
"women shuold have the same right as men" i dought i will find a women who will argue with that.
"women should be treated the same as men" again, i probelly wont find a women who will argue with that..
"a man can hit a man, a women can hit a man, a man cant hit a women" so wait, u want men to treat women diffrently from men?
how about NO...
You wanna have the same rights as a man, u can get the s*** kicked out of you like a man too.
Chivalry aside, in a modern society is it appropriate to say violence towards a woman is somehow "more wrong" than violence towards a man? Regardless of the circumstances both acts are equally wrong if one belives in absolute equality. With regard to the case at hand let's examine what we know. The woman was arrested on several charges, there was no report of her injuries. I think the assumption could be made that any injuries she did sustain were minor. The gentleman was neither charged nor arrested pending investigation, his injuries were reported. Everyone was drunk. I think the phrase "things got out of hand" is probably the most appropriate. Justice, not fairness, not morality, not religion, justice alone will decide this womans fate. As it should, and must, be. Just for the record on where I stand, anyone who grabs my nuts with the intent to rip will experience some serious "self defense."
people who say it is immoral to fight a woman (for whatever reason) are sexist and are the ones holding back progressive movement.
Both genders should be treated equally.
"How would she even be close enough to grab his genitals had he not overstepped his boundary in the first place?"
Perhaps she was drunk (as stated already), and was getting in his face? Maybe he then told her to f*ck off kindly, without any force and she went on to tear his balls off?
I'm all for equal rights and women protesting equality - but be realistic here. *HE* came out with the injuries, she even spat in a police officers face - Going from that little of information the only logical conclusion is that HE was on the defence, not here.
Equal rights does not mean equal beat downs. It is silly and it is juvenile to think women should get beaten because our society is supposedly equal now.
Equal rights does not mean equal beat downs.
How did you come to this conclusion?
It is silly and it is juvenile to think women should get beaten because our society is supposedly equal now.
I've read through the posts, and no one has said, "because society is equal, women should be beaten." That is nothing more than word twisting on your part.
Stop trying to be clever, and start being real.
Those who do violence are subject to receive violence. Women are not an exception.
"Equal rights does not mean equal beat downs. It is silly and it is juvenile to think women should get beaten because our society is supposedly equal now."
You see the problem is that women want treated like ladies, but paid like men. They want to be able to say what they want and do what they want with only verbal reprimand. The fact is, most women are spoiled brats. At least the ones like you are.
If you want to fight a man, then why should he hold back? If a woman started a fight with me and she were to fight clean, yeah I could easily hold back and still win with minimal damage to myself. If she isn't going to hold back, I'm just going to end the fight quickly like I would with a guy. I also don't start fights though. I just finish them.
Yes men are generally stronger than women, but I think women have a higher thresh hold for pain. Case in point: child birth. It's pretty safe to say that next to being eviscerated, it's probably the most painful thing a person can go through.
If a woman doesn't want to be beaten by a man, then she shouldn't fight with him. She also shouldn't do anything to provoke him. Poke a tiger with a stick, don't be surprised when the tiger mauls you! Also, a man shouldn't do anything to deserve a beat down from a woman. In general, just don't do anything that is deserving of a beat down and don't worry about one. That's my rule.
So there you have it. "Ask and ye shall recieve." Ask for a beat down, recieve one. Anger knows not of "sex" and "age". It only knows what is in front of it. "Sex" and "age" just identify which parts will cause alot of pain when damaged. Nothing more and nothing less. Don't like it? Tough! It's nature. So use your nurture to avoid it. :P
I am a guy and all for womens equal rights, but "feminists" don't want equal rights at all as demonstrated by the psycho bitch on this blog. Most feminists i know are extreme to the limit and think the world now owes them something, though they still want the be treat like a lady when it suits. personal e.g. my boyfriends sister is one of these bitches from hell and one night her girlfriend grabbed his boyfriends genitals whilst out clubbing as a joke, his boyfriend recipricated and grabbed her chest. The "feminist" went balistic, calling him every name you coudl think of and NEVER spoke to him again. The religious, feminist freak should get down of her over inflated ego and read the story and judge with "EQUALITY" Maybe, just maybe the guy wasn't in the wrong here so why don't you shut the f**k up? PS before you start your religious crap about me being gay "i don't give a shit" YOUR GOD made me this way. Stick to the story at hand.
*A man has no business even fighting a woman.*
By this logic (yuk!) a man who gets attacked by a woman has no business fighting back.
That's just raw stupidity. There is no way a rational person can come to a conclusion like yours.
You madam, are an excellent example of why men should, and do continue to rule the world.
Alright I'm tired and have to be at work in a few hours but look here.
"If a woman doesn't want to be beaten by a man, then she shouldn't fight with him. She also shouldn't do anything to provoke him. Poke a tiger with a stick, don't be surprised when the tiger mauls you! Also, a man shouldn't do anything to deserve a beat down from a woman. In general, just don't do anything that is deserving of a beat down and don't worry about one. That's my rule."
That is pretty much fair in a legal sense. Women should get in trouble for starting a fight as much as a man. Morally a guy should feel pooey for hitting a woman. I don't think there is any way around it. Also I would hope a tiger has more sense than a man. If a little Olive Oil is egging you on and you are a 200 lb powerhouse guy you should not beat her down.
"Stop trying to be clever, and start being real."
Psssh the woman may have started the trouble in the story but again she may not have. My bet is the guy did something to intimidate her or back her in a corner.
And for the gay guy I don't think anything is wrong with your choice. Just because I am religious and don't think men should hit women does not make me anti-gay. Gay marriage should be legal. Not agreeing with something as a personal choice and legal expectations are two different things.
I guess that is how my view on this situation is too. A man and woman should be prosecuted under law and have the same legal expectations. For personal choice I think guys need to be resonable when dealing with a small woman because more often than not a good size guy can hurt a woman.
u/f mrs thick as fuck religious american twat, If a woman kicks off she deserves a smack, its not immoral or wrong, god is a cunt, so are you for beleiving that bs.
tbh 99% of women are slags and deserve a kicking every now and then.
"And for the gay guy I don't think anything is wrong with your choice."
just like a typical religious nut to say that being gay is a choice. wake the fuck up people!!! that's like saying to a black person that you support their "choice" to be born black. and if any person decides to get in my face and start a fight, be it a man, woman, or a six headed leprechaun from the planet arcturus, they're gonna get their ass handed to them on a silver platter. ESPECIALLY if they make a grab at my junk.
"Psssh the woman may have started the trouble in the story but again she may not have. My bet is the guy did something to intimidate her or back her in a corner."
just like a typical feminist to automatically assume that the man initiated the whole conflict. since you claim to be religious and you're up on your high horse in this instance, maybe you'll recall a little something called original sin? if not, let me break it down for you. a WOMAN (Eve) was the first sinner. and of course you're going to have some line of bullshit to say about how she convinced Adam to partake as well, which in turn makes men somehow less intelligent or something. but anything along those lines i'm just gonna chalk up to sour grapes and completley discount it. so in summation; fuck feminists, fuck chauvenists, and really, fuck any other kind of ist out there. but more importantly, FUCK EVERYONE. people suck.
"hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever. kill 'em all adolph, black, white, jew, gentile..." ~Bill Hicks
Around where I live, the women are worse than the men in being antagonistic and trying to start fights. I think it's because they all feel that they can do (including physical violence) and say anything they want because men cannot hit them back. Women have learned to lean on the "chivalry" excuse and are now ridiculously pushing the envelope with what they can do.
hey woman...if i knew you in real life, you deserve a real-asskicking for all this bullshit you've been spewing out. women should've never have equal rights.
I just have to laugh at the poster who claimed to be a feminist, yet was outraged at a male hitting a female. It's so typical of a self proclaimed feminist to make such hypocritical statements like this. If you want equal rights, expect equal treatment. This guy needs to sue her for ripping his parts apart. Her paying him $50,000 for damages sounds fair to me.
Who is this feminist rights protector posting on this message board? She is totally BIASED and is making woman look bad. I myself am I female.. and nowhere in the article did it state that the man (or woman) provoked it.. but using common sense, it seems as though the woman started it, as she was unharmed and the man had his balls ripped off.. in addition, she spat on a cop.. i think you can easily tell what kind of person this woman is... a rebellious troublemaker who deserves no sympathy from anyone male or female.. She deserves to go to hell.
Stop trying to defend woman, u feminist group leader. you are making us look bad.....
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