UPDATE: As of 0300 GMT, Saddam Hussein is dead.
Forces in Iraq have gone to high alert, as official witnesses to the former dictator's execution were in the Green Zone.
Iraq state television has reportedly been playing clips showing atrocities committed by Saddam's regime.
Saddam was charged with crimes against humanity for his role in the killings of 148 people in 1982. Sources indicate that Saddam's death sentence could be carried out as early as this Friday, right before the Eid religious holiday.
Saddam's chief lawyer, Khalil al-Dulaimi, appealed to international leaders and requested Saddam receive prisoner of war status. Dulaimi argued that as a prisoner of war, Saddam should be granted protection from his enemies. The appeal is likely to be ignored and Saddam will remain in US custody until he is immediately turned over to Iraqi forces before his execution.
There are some worries that the death of Saddam may spark a new wave of violence within Iraq and surrounding regions. Some human rights proponents, and even members of the Roman Catholic Church, have expressed disapproval of the choice to have Saddam executed. They argue that Saddam's execution may violate human rights itself, may have been biased in process by a Shiite dominated government and can spark waves of retaliatory violence.
Editor's Note: There are several related threads taking place in our forums. Feel free to seriously discuss the ethics of capital punishment as it relates to this case here, or for a more lighthearted take click here for the 'We Will Miss You Saddam, You Crazy Bastard' thread.We will keep you updated with fresh details and video as it becomes available.
AP News
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